A real quick hack for figuring out if your PPC agency is on your side is to understand the effort they put in.

Fortunately, the Google Ads & Facebook Advanced Ads platforms provide a full transparency on your account activity.

Interested? …why wouldn’t you be?

For an ad account to be successful, it needs continuous refining, adapting, optimising and testing to improve performance and reduce wastage.

How to check if your agency or partner has been active.

Before you do anything – the absolute first step is:

You need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, need, TO OWN YOUR ACCOUNT.

If there’s even a tiny part of you that’s not sure, then read this article before you do anything else:

3 ways to avoid losing your PPC accounts, your money & your pride in a PPC crisis.

Dramatic, eh?

Get access to your own account.

Admin access – you need to be king of the castle, because some agencies or partners are dirty rascals.

Find out about unethical PPC management practices here.

How to check your Google Adwords account activity.

Facebook Ads Manager

  • Go to Ads Manager.
  • Select Campaigns tab.
  • Select all campaigns.
  • Select to open the side panel.
  • Open the Activity types drop-down menu and choose Account. Your activity history displays for your ad account.
  • Select See more to scroll through additional rows of your account history.
  • You can do the same for a single campaign, if needed.

Google Ads

  1. To see changes for a particular date range, select the dates in the upper right corner.
  2. To filter your change history, follow the instructions to filter your view of performance data.

What does good look like?

Well, one way of looking at it is to think about your investment in the service. As a rule of thumb, any partners job is to make you feel good about your investment – remove any doubt about the partnership.

Doubt is healthy – it’s your instinct ‘doing its thang’. Inside our gaff (cool kids speak for Armchair Marketing), we really welcome a clients doubt, it helps us to understand how best to align.

We like A LOT of questions. We find it increases the chances of a long term relationship – trust and transparency are key.

So if there’s a bit of doubt – go ask, go dig and get your answers. If you still feel uneasy, take it from us – it’s not you, it’s your partner.

Quick check list:

  • Are they regular editors and optimisers, or hastily making changes just in time for your next meetings?
  • How consistent is their approach?
  • Are they randomly changing stuff, or is there a clear strategy?
  • Can they explain it to you without hesitation?
  • Does it makes sense to you?

Seriously. How can you even miss-spend £5000?!?!

Miss-spend. Everywhere….

9 out of 10 PPC accounts reviewed by Armchair Marketing revealed mass inefficiency. With the average wasted monthly spend of £5,453.

The fastest way to more leads is to fix the leaky bucket.

Speak to the team to understand more about how we help businesses like yours to make more money and buy nice things.

Find out more about our PPC evaluations.

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