It’s a kind of boffin magic ????✨

Google (The big G).
The way people search on Google and the words they use, tell Google a lot about what they want. Google is the global legend when it comes to predicting needs from words.   

Most websites contain Google’s tracking code for helping website owners to understand their website statistics in Google’s free platform; Google Analytics.

Google’s got eyes on the activity of nearly 98% of the websites in the world. It uses the sharing agreement you agree to when signing up, to watch its uses move in and out of Google searches. Creepy, but handy. 

Google use this to predict who buys what, when and how long it takes!  

You can learn more about Google Analytics and how it works here.

Facebook also contains lots of ‘self-provided’ data, such as age, relationship status, location, job type and more – all of which are very useful when it comes to predicting an ideal buyer type. 

Add to that magic little potion, a strong serving of Facebook’s tracking pixel which can be added to nearly every business website going – and you’ve got Facebook watching, waiting and ready to sell its ads serve its users with on-point information.

Using its enormous user-base and predictive behaviour modelling, Facebook’s advanced algorithms indicate who is behaving like a buyer based on their website activity, likes and interests as it’s users pass through websites that have the Facebook code installed.

Instagram (Insta G if you’re down with the kids).

Insta’s owned by big Zuck now – they ported the whole team across to FB towers and bolted all forms of Insta-adverts into Facebooks advanced advertising platform.

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